For Investors

Non-financial information and data are essential for measuring the sustainability of activities. Digitalization will help enrich the variety and quality of data available by collecting and analyzing climate or environmental-related data through satellite mapping. Big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning will be used to capture and elaborate high-frequency data and information. It will also contribute in reaching new markets, and we would help in matching issuers with investors. We also plan to delve Our Green Tech in the adoption of decentralized ledger technology (DLT) for green bonds resulting in lower costs for municipal green bond issuance and increase investors’ confidence in investing in green projects for their local communities. It is high time we turn to Green funding completely and Grefun wants to be the pioneer in this TECHNOLOGY.

We would be match making with Investors organizations and providing them with itemized data for their own speculation an expected level of effort, as well concerning security choice, end-financial backer revealing and general observing of the market. They can transfer their portfolios to perform point by point examination on the fly, and they can trade the information to succeed to chip away at it in their own applications. It permits financial backers to respond to questions like: how much ozone harming substance reciprocals do we help in keeping away or lessen consistently because of our green bond.

Finding manageable data and documentation is tedious and frequently in unstandardized designs. We unite information into a normalized structure and give clients access through a straightforward connection point. This permits financial backers to complete checking and detailing processes undeniably more rapidly and saves time and assets that would somehow be spent on information assembling and arranging.

Trade Finance
Receipt calculating is most commonly utilized where the funder deals with the client assortments and records of the business. This permits them to have more control and most solicitations are limited when they are conveyed. It is commonly utilized with more modest organizations who have almost no credit control. In any case, the business, size and development direction of the business will be generally checked out.

In straightforward terms, an organization will convey a receipt to a client, who will have pre-concurred installment terms. These are typically 30, 60, 90 and multi day installment terms. A money organization (the component) will take a gander at the strength of the clients, the borrower and further conceivable security advertised. Contingent upon the business, they might assume control over a component of the money capability from the business and advance an extent of the assets (comparable to the receipt worth) to the organization not long after solicitations are conveyed. Generally, the variable will then work with the end clients to gather installments, eliminate their charges and send the leftover pay onto the organization.

How can it function?
As solicitations are raised, the calculating organization will give a level of the presumptive worth of the receipt to the organization for example 80%. Contingent upon the set up, the considering organization will then, at that point, gather the obligation from the client, eliminate their charges and send the excess assets onto the company .

Grefun would act as the intermediary facilitating these transactions between the buyer and the seller. With the blockchain if would be easier to know the invoices and get funding on the same and mark the ones which has got funding and and are yet to receive.