Grefun was born of the urgent need to measure and tackle SCOPE 3 UNFCCC Emissions. We bring about Financial rewards to companies for mapping and working on risk related to climate change and after effects of deforestation and GHG (Green House Gases).  Getting real time data by any company in the risk ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) model has been most difficult.  The need to bring reality into Carbon foot print calculations and assumptions where-ever possible is of utmost importance.

Seeing the after effects of the Green House Gases every day and the conditions prevailing in the world from floods, heat wave in Europe to America, to Australian Forest fires and its effects are far reaching and we are feeling the repercussions of it.

There is a need to create a solution that cannot be tampered with and reward those that have really worked towards reducing their Green House Gases. That’s where we Grefun make storing of previous data and matching with present for consistent performance mapping comes in. With Blockchain and AI (Artificial Intelligence) we want to bring about certainty and map every step of good work that companies do to make efforts to reduce their carbon footprint.